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The Heart of Dr. Reiss on Kajmakchalan

The church "St. Peter" on Kajmakchalan holds the legend of Rudolph Archibald Reiss.
Rudolph Archibald Reiss was a German-Swiss criminology-pioneer, forensic scientist, professor, writer and correspondent for newspapers in several countries, reporting the events directly from the front.
Church Saint Peter and Paul on Kajmakchalan
Church Saint Peter and Paul on Kajmakchalan

Rudolph Archibald Reiss
Rudolph Archibald Reiss 
 At the request of the Serbian government, he arrives in Serbia in 1914 to investigate the crimes against civilians, made by the armies of Austria-Hungary, Germany and Bulgaria. He remained in Serbia until the end of his life.
He died on August 8, 1929 in Belgrade and he was buried at the Topcider cemetery, while at his request his heart was taken away in an urn on the peak Kajmakčalan, where it rested along with other soldiers that died here.
Today within the church we can still see the urn, with the following writing:

ОВДЕ У ОВОЈ УРНИ (Here in this urn,)
НА ВРХУ КАЈМАКЧАЛАНА (at the peak Kajmakcalan)
ЗЛАТНО СРЦЕ СПАВА (golden heart sleeps)
ПРИЈАТЕЉА СРПСКОГ (a friend of the Serbs)
ИЗ НАЈТЕЖИХ ДАНА (from the most difficult days)
ВОЈНИКА ПРАВДЕ ИСТИНЕ И ПРАВА (fighter for Justice, Truth and Rights)
ШВАЈЦАРЦА РАЈСА (the Swiss Reiss)

8 АВГУСТА  1929 Г (8 August, 1929)

The urn of Dr. Reiss
The urn of Dr. Reiss

Many years after the First World War, countless fighters and tourists visited the church, and during WW2 when Macedonia was again occupied by Bulgaria, it is believed that disappeared the heart of Dr. Reiss.

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Bell Tower at Kajmakchalan
Bell Tower at Kajmakchalan

Bell Tower at Kajmakchalan
Bell Tower at Kajmakchalan

View from Kajmakchalan
View from Kajmakchalan

View from Kajmakchalan
View from Kajmakchalan

Read More: The kingdom of Serbia. Infringements of the rules and laws of war committed by the Austro-Bulgaro-Germans; letters of a criminologist on the Serbian Macedonian front>>>

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